
拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港商业音乐表演Course为学生做准备 for careers in the music industry. 学生s gain comprehensive training in the fundamental techniques necessary for studio recording and live performance. 有实践经验 由行业专业人士提供,学生发展的技能,知识和信心 needed to work in the ever-evolving professional music industry. 不管你是 有抱负的吉他手或经验丰富的歌手希望发挥你的才能,拉马尔州立大学 学院亚瑟港的商业音乐表演Course将为您提供 成功所需的技能.

小班授课和专门的教师,学生在音乐表演 程序接受个性化的指导,使用专业的仪器,材料 and techniques employed in the commercial music industry. Courses in the Music 表演 Course允许学生熟练掌握一种乐器或声音,获得经验 作为一个乐团成员,学习音乐的基础知识,包括视读和 钢琴技能,熟悉音乐技术和专业录音 工作室. The 商业音乐表演 Program prepares students for a wide variety 作为器乐演奏家和歌手的职业生涯在工作室或现场表演设置.


  • 应用 commercial music performance techniques to professional practice.
  • 应用商业音乐音响工程技术来支持表演实践.
  • 应用 basic music industry principles to professional practice.
  • 表现出专业的行为,以对专业的承诺为特征.

Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
Proficiency on an instrument or voice.
Experience as an ensemble member.
对音乐的理解,包括视读、乐谱和电脑音乐 符号.
Ability to use home recording and music technology.


拉马尔州立学院亚瑟港音乐表演项目的毕业生可以 寻找工作,如会议音乐家,演出/巡演音乐家,节拍制作者, 制作人、音乐程序员、音乐总监、音乐部长、音乐老师、词曲作者、 作曲家,编曲和更多.

音乐表演专业学生的潜在就业机会 包括录音室录音,音乐制作,配乐制作,音乐创作, 音乐编曲、现场音乐表演、广播音乐表演、音乐教育、 音乐节目,音乐编辑,音乐制作,音乐业务,艺人发展 和更多的. Potential employers include entertainment venues, recording 工作室, audio 制作公司、社区团体、剧院、广告公司、出版社 companies, independent soundtrack producers, bands, music producers 和更多的.



Course Title SCH
MUSI 1303 音乐基础 3
MUSI 1310 美国音乐 3
MUSI 1181 钢琴一级 1
MUSP 12 xx Applied Music Individual Instruction 2
MUSP 1202 群组介绍语音 2
MUSP 1242 Small Commercial Music Ensemble 2
MUSB 1305 Survey of the Music Business 3
1211年音乐 Commercial Music Sight Singing and Ear Training I 2
1213年音乐 商业音乐理论I 2
1331年音乐 MIDI 3
MUSI 1182 钢琴二级 1
MUSP 12 xx Applied Music Individual Instruction 2
MUSP 1242 Small Commercial Music Ensemble 2
心理2301或心理1300 General Psychology or Learning Framework 3
2211年音乐 Commercial Music Sight Singing and Ear Training II 2
2213年音乐 商业音乐理论II 2
1321年音乐 我写歌 3
MUSP 12 xx Applied Music Individual Instruction 2
MUSP 1253  Small Commercial Music Ensemble: Rock 2
数学1314或数学1332 大学 Algebra or Quantitative Reasoning 3
英格兰1301年 英语作文I 3
1235年音乐 商业音乐软件 2
2330年音乐 Commercial Music Arranging and Composition 3
MUSP 12 xx Applied Music Individual Instruction 2
MUSP 1253  Small Commercial Music Ensemble: Rock 2
SPCH 1315 公众演讲 3
总计   60

推荐学习项目: Certificate
Course title SCH
MUSI 1303 音乐基础 3
MUSI 1310 美国音乐 3
MUSI 1181 钢琴一级 1
MUSP 12 xx Applied Music Individual Instruction 2
MUSP 1202 群组介绍语音 2
MUSP 1242 Small Commercial Music Ensemble 2
MUSB 1305 Survey of the Music Business 3
1211年音乐 Commercial Music Sight Singing and Ear Training I 2
1213年音乐 商业音乐理论I 2
1331年音乐 MIDI 3
MUSI 1182 钢琴二级 1
MUSP 12 xx Applied Music Individual Instruction 2
MUSP 1242 Small Commercial Music Ensemble 2
总计   28

  • 从正规靠谱赌博软件获得的学分不超过60-66个学期(SCH) 我在拉马尔大学获得学位.
  • 另外必须完成60个SCH或更多才能满足学士学位要求.
  • 学生可以攻读音乐表演,音乐创作, 或音乐文学学士学位,专攻他们的乐器的声音 选择.
  • 学生s may pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Music Production, Music Technology


根据美国劳工部劳工统计局的数据,音乐家 can expect to earn a mean hourly wage of $32.每小时49英镑. 根据联合国 美国劳工部劳工统计局,音乐总监和作曲家 can expect to earn a mean hourly wage of $26.每小时55英镑. 根据联合国 美国劳工部劳工统计局,音乐总监和作曲家 能得到2分吗.3% job growth from 2012 – 2022. 根据联合国 States 美国劳工部的职业一站式报告显示,音乐家有望获得18%的就业增长 in the state of 德州 from 2012 – 2022.

Will I be able to work on the type of music that I am interested in?

学生可以在学习音乐的同时专注于商业音乐的特定领域 array of popular forms of music from rock to rap and country to Cajun; students work and develop skills in a variety of genres.

Does Lamar State 大学 Port Arthur have a dedicated performance space?

商业音乐项目有一个专门用于排练的音乐厅, individual lessons, group lessons, live recordings and live performances.

Does Lamar State 大学 Port Arthur have recording 工作室?

有三个专业录音室可供所有学生使用 enrolled in the Commercial Music Program. In addition to the recording 工作室, Lamar 州立大学亚瑟港有一个基于Mac的音乐制作/编程实验室 a PC based music composition lab.


您将可以使用行业标准的乐器,放大器,录音, editing and mixing equipment. You will be able to use an array of professional equipment 来自kong, Moog, Shure, Fender, Vox, Ampeg, Apple, Avid, JBL, Soundcraft, Yamaha等 更多的.

有没有学生练习室和练习乐器,我可以在两者之间使用 后类?

有三个专门的隔音练习室,学生们周一可以使用 through Friday from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm. When class is not in session students are able to practice in the Music Hall and other music classrooms. 商业音乐 Course为学生提供练习钢琴,鼓,打击乐,键盘, guitars, basses, amps, and microphones. 

How long will it take to complete the degree?

通常需要两年的时间才能完成音乐艺术与科学副学士学位 表演. A Level 1 Certificate in Music takes one year to complete.

Will my Courses in a certificate program transfer to the degree?

如果你从证书Course开始,所有的Course都将转移到 学位Course.

What types of Courses are in the degree plan?

该学位Course包括音乐理论、钢琴、编曲、作曲、 音乐史,音乐制作,音乐节目,录音室录音和个人 performance instruction on bass, guitar, piano, drums or vocals.

Do you have job placement assistance?

Lamar State 大学-Port Arthur does provide job assistance.  学院有自己的职责 board that all students can access throughout their time at SCHool.  毕业以后, 你可以向职业介绍所提供一份最新的简历,他们会寄给你 it out to prospective employers. The faculty in the Commercial Music Department will work with you to make you aware of positions that match your skill sets.

Do you offer internships for this degree?

There are internship opportunities for all music performance students.  通常 在校园的最后两个学期,你将在当地的一家工作室实习, performance venue, house of worship, community organization or with a band.  这 internship experience can be placed on your resume as professional experience. 许多 实习给你带来了拓展人脉、兼职和全职工作的机会 就业.




肯尼斯问. 特纳



Below are testimonials from students in the Music 表演 program.

“It has been a great learning experience attending Lamar State 大学. 老师 really prepared me for my next step in life. The students, my classmates, were very supportive as well as my instructors and all the staff. I felt at home in this SCHool. I enjoyed these two years of my life doing what I love with people like me.”

Antonio Briones Graduated in the spring of 2015

“之后,我选择参加拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港商业音乐Course 弹了25年吉他,因为我想把我的技能提升到一个新的水平. 商业音乐Course为我提供了工具、设备和指导老师 帮助我达到目标.”

Aaron Williams Graduated in the summer of 2015

“My experience at Lamar State 大学 Port Arthur has been a great experience. 我有 learned many things that are vital to my chosen career path. 所有的教官 拥有有价值的信息,并且真诚地努力帮助你成功 作为一名学生. 老师 are willing to go out of their way to talk to you one on one and set up meeting times to give you clarity and insight on topics. 大气中 is great for learning and making new friends.”

David Broussard 2015春季


正规靠谱赌博软件的 年度安全 and 消防安全报告 是否符合珍妮克莱里披露校园安全政策的规定 and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f), 34 CFR 668.46).







学生可以攻读音乐制作或音乐技术学士学位 a four-year college/university




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